Iowa City, Iowa.
Edited by P. J. Casteel.
Sole issue (February 1973).
Captain May I.
Marshalltown, Iowa.
Edited by James Humphrey.
Vol. 1, no. 1, sole issue (1969).
Censored New Mexico.
Albuquerque, New Mexico.
Edited by Stephen Rodefer and others.
Sole issue (Winter/Spring 1969).
The Censored Review.
New York City.
Edited by Ron Padgett.
No. 1 (1963). Sole issue.
Detroit, Michigan.
Edited by John and Leni Sinclair and Charles Moore.
Nos. 1–2 (Fall/Winter 1965–Spring/Summer 1966).
San Francisco.
Edited by Sue J. Carlson.
Vol. 1, nos. 1–6 (February 1982–1983).
Chicago. and Chicago, European Edition.
New York City.
Edited by Carter Ratcliff.
Sole issue (1970).
Berkeley, California.
Edited by George Leite with Bern Porter and Jody Sccott.
Vol 1. nos. 1–4; nos. 5–10 (1944–Summer 1948).
No. 7/8 is a double issue.
Cloud Marauder.
Edited by David Bullen, Don Cushman, Dennis Koran, Anthony Shonwald, and George Ushanoff.
Vol. 1, no. 1; nos. 2–6 (May 1968–1970).
Note: David Bullen (1–6), Don Cushman (1–6), Dennis Koran (1–6), Anthony Shonwald (1–4), and George Ushanoff (2).
Los Angeles and later Santa Monica.
Edited by Mel Weisburd, Gene Frumkin, Barding Dahl, Eleanor Edelstein, and Alexandra Garrett.
Nos. 1–21/22 (Vol. 1, no. 1–vol. 6, no. 21/22) (Spring 1955–1964).
Mel Weisburd (1–8); Gene Frumkin (9–20); Barding Dahl, Eleanor Edelstein, and Alexandra Garrett (21/22).
No. 14/15 is the double issue “Los Angeles: The Non-Existent City,” no. 19 the “Anti-War Issue” is guest edited by Curtis Zahn, and no. 21/22 is the double “Final Issue.”
The Coldspring Journal.
Cherry Valley, NY.
Edited by Charles Plymell, Pamela Beach, and Joshua Norton.
Nos. 1–11 (1974–79). No. 11 is also Us no. 2, edited by Joshua Norton.
Hove, Sussex, England, and Odense, Denmark.
Edited by Peter Riley.
Nos. 1–7 (March 1968–Autumn 1970). No. 4 is a co-publication with Tzarad no. 3; Collection no. 6 with Tzarad no. 4. According to Miller and Price there were 5 supplements to Collection no. 7.
Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
Edited by Raymond Souster.
Nos. 1–10 (January 1952–March 1954).
Convivio: A Journal of Poetics.
San Francisco.
Edited by John Thorpe.
Nos. 1–2 (1983–87). No. 2 is devoted to publishing From Feathers to Iron by John Clarke.
New Orleans, Louisiana.
Edited by Robert Head and Darlene Fife.
No. 1, sole issue (January 1968).
York, England.
Edited by Steve MacDonough
and Michael Gray.
Nos. 1–4 (1969–72).
Coyote’s Journal.
Eugene, Oregon, and San Francisco.
Edited by James Koller, Edward Van Aelstyn, and William Wroth.
Nos. 1–12 (1964–74) plus an unnumbered special issue (1982).
Kent, Ohio, and Buffalo, New York.
Edited by Robert Bertholf.
Nos. 1–8/9 (1975–80); New Series, vol. 1, no. 1–vol. 3, no. 2 (1981–85). 14 issues in 12. Title in New Series changes to Credences: A Journal of Twentieth Century Poetry and Poetics. No. 7 (February 1979) is “In Celebration of Ken Irby”; New Series, vol. 2, nos. 2/3 (Fall/Winter 1983) is titled “Canadian Poetry Festival.”
The Curiously Strong.
Cambridge, England.
Edited by Fred Buck, later, Ian Patterson.
Vol. 1, no. 1–vol. 4, no. 8/9 (February 24, 1969–1975).
Maidstone and Hebden Bridge, England.
Edited by Paul Buck.
Nos. 1–21 (1971–1978). Issues are mostly titled rather than numbered. The complete run comprises 14 items: No. 1, Curtains (1971), no. 2, Safety Curtain (1972), no. 3, Curtain-Raiser (1972), no. 3.5, Curtains in the Meantime (1972), no. 4, Curtains 4 (1972), no. 5, French Curtains (1973), nos. 6/7, A Range of Curtains (1973), no. 8, Upside Down Curtains & Appendages (1974), no. 9, Drawn Curtains (1974), no. 10, Velvet Curtains (1974), nos. 11/12/13, Split Curtains (1975), A Supplement to Split Curtains [1975], nos. 14/15/16/17, Curtains, le prochain step (1976), nos. 18/19/20/21, bal:le:d curtains (1978).

Circle, vol. 1, no. 3 (1944).

The Coldspring Journal 4 (December 1974).

Coyote’s Journal 4 (1965).