![Poster for “Lawrence Ferlinghetti Reading His Poetry,” at the Rising Sun Studio, Sante Fe, NM, Apr. 20, [1975]. Published by John Brandi’s Nail Press as a “A Tooth of Time poster.”](https://fromasecretlocation.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/12/Lawrence-Ferlinghetti-Rising-Sun-Studio-Nail-Press-r-400x530.jpg)
Poster for “Lawrence Ferlinghetti Reading His Poetry” at Rising Sun Studio, Sante Fe, New Mexico, April 20, [1975]. Published by John Brandi’s Nail Press as “a Tooth of Time poster.”
Poster for “Lawrence Ferlinghetti Reading His Poetry” at Rising Sun Studio, Sante Fe, New Mexico, April 20, [1975]. Published by John Brandi’s Nail Press as “a Tooth of Time poster.”