The Four Seasons Foundation
Donald Allen
San Francisco and Bolinas, California
Richard Brautigan, In Watermelon Sugar (1968). Writing 21.
The Four Seasons Foundation was the publishing project of poet and anthologist Donald Allen, who began the concern in 1964 to publish the authors who had been included in his epoch-defining anthology The New American Poetry (1960). At first, Allen intended to publish a little magazine to be entitled variously The Four Seasons Quarterly or The New Review, but the material he had collected for the magazine was instead published in the second and third of the Four Seasons publications, Prose 1 (there was never another number) and 12 Poets and 1 Painter, which were published in 1964 as Writing 2 and Writing 3. Prose 1 contained work by Edward Dorn, Michael Rumaker, and Warren Tallman as well as various reviews of fiction and belles lettres, including LeRoi Jones’s Blues People. The poets in 12 Poets and 1 Painter were Jones, Joanne Kyger, Robert Duncan, Robert Creeley, Denise Levertov, Lawrence Ferlinghetti, Gary Snyder, Lew Welch, Allen Ginsberg, Charles Olson, Max Finstein, and Bruce Boyd. The painter is Jess Collins. Writing 1, published at the same time, consists appropriately of Charles Olson’s A Bibliography on America for Ed Dorn. Six other Olson titles were also published by Four Seasons, along with three Creeley titles, four titles by Gary Snyder, two by Philip Whalen, three by Richard Brautigan (The Pill Versus the Springhill Mine Disaster, 1968; In Watermelon Sugar, 1968; and Trout Fishing in America, 1967), two by Michael McClure (Love Lion Book, 1966; and The Sermons of Jean Harlow and the Curses of Billy the Kid, 1968), and two by Philip Lamantia (The Blood of the Air, 1970; and Touch of the Marvelous, 1974).

Robert Creeley, A Quick Graph: Collected Notes & Essays (1970), edited by Donald Allen (Writing 22).
Four Seasons Foundation books include
Blaser, Robin. Cups. 1968. Writing 17.
Brautigan, Richard. Trout Fishing in America. 1967. Writing 14.
Creeley, Robert. A Quick Graph: Collected Notes & Essays. 1970. Writing 22. Edited by Donald Allen.
Dorn, Edward. Interviews. 1980. Edited by Donald Allen. Writing 38.
Hadley, Drummond. The Webbing. 1967. Writing 15.
Kyger, Joanne. The Tapestry and the Web. 1965. Writing 5.
Lamantia, Philip. The Blood of the Air. 1970. Writing 25. Cover photograph of the author by Stanley Reade.
Loewinsohn, Ron. Against the Silences to Come. 1965. Writing 4.
McClure, Michael. Love Lion Book. 1966. Writing 11.
Olson, Charles. A Bibliography on America for Ed Dorn. 1964. Writing 1.
Olson, Charles. In Cold Hell, in Thicket. 1967. Writing 12.
Olson, Charles. Stocking Cap: A Story. 1966. Writing 13.
Prose 1. With contributions by Edward Dorn, Michael Rumaker, and Warren Tallman. 1964. Writing 2.
Snyder, Gary. Riprap and Cold Mountain Poems. 1965. Writing 7.
Snyder, Gary. Six Sections from Mountains and Rivers Without End. 1965. Writing 9.
12 Poets and 1 Painter. 1964. Writing 3.
Upton, Charles. Time Raid. 1969. Writing 19.
Whalen, Philip. Heavy Breathing: Poems 1967–1980. 1983. Writing 42.
Whalen, Philip. The Kindness of Strangers: Poems 1969–1974. 1976. Writing 33.
Whalen, Philip. Off the Wall: Interviews with Philip Whalen. 1978. Writing 37. Edited by Donald Allen.
Whalen, Philip. Severance Pay: Poems 1967–1969. 1970. Writing 24. Cover drawing by the author.