Aion: A Journal of Traditionary Science
Charles Stein
New York
Aion: A Journal of Traditionary Science 1 (December 1964). Sole issue.
“AION is a Journal of the Traditionary Sciences which, in C. G. Jung’s phrase, include ‘Researches into the Phenomenology of the Self’ as understood in Alchemy, Astrology, Ceremonial Magic and related disciplines.
AION will serve as an exchange between purely ‘Occult’ and other concerns; literary, historical, scientific; thus, texts from, essays about, accounts of.
AION will be as open as possible in terms of doctrine, operating with few assumptions other than that these concerns are relevant now.
We would hope to effect an opening of the ‘occult’ to influences from without—at least an opening examination as well as presentation of ‘occult’ material in a more intellectually palatable form than in publications now out and correspondence courses generally available.”
— Statement on the inside front cover of Aion
Contributors (complete)
Aleister Crowley
Robert Duncan
Robert Kelly
Gerrit Lansing
Charles Stein